K Hrnčířům 96, Prague 4 - Šeberov

What's going on in Di Carlo?

A breathtaking tuna kill.
Festa Di Tonno.

Festa Di Tonno

17 June 2022

This year's tuna slaughter "Festa Di Tonno" was a real success. 

The tuna we caught for you a few hours before the carving weighed almost 65 Kg and there was almost nothing left 🙂

In addition, we managed to pull off a feat and prepared an equally fantastic 43 Kg swordfish.

The weather was as good as it could be. Thank you all for the wonderful day we had together.

Festa di Tonno

Vážení hosté, 
dnes, z důvodu příprav na Festa di Tonno, máme provozní přestávku od 14:30.

Těšit se na Vás budeme opět v 17:00.