K Hrnčířům 96, Prague 4 - Šeberov

What's going on in Di Carlo?

St. Wenceslas Festival 2023

St. Wenceslas Festival 2023

28. 9. - 1. 10. 2023

On St. Wenceslas Day - St. Wenceslas duck or traditional Czech custom.

Czech Statehood Day reminds us of the event in 935, when Prince Wenceslas was murdered by his brother in Stara Boleslav.

The real reason why a duck is being prepared for Václav is unlikely to be known today. The most plausible explanation is that the hunting season is now at its peak.

Celebrate St. Wenceslas Day with us with a traditional menu by our chef Jiří Sovíček

Reserve your seats as soon as possible! 

We look forward to on you. 🦆


Duck liver pate
served with onion marmalade and homemade oat bread
189 CZK


Duck kaldoun
creamy soup with vegetables, poultry and noodles
99 CZK


Duck breast /180g/
prepared sous vide with thyme and brandy, served with porcini mushroom croupote and demi glace with port wine reduction
389 Kč


Confit duck leg /350g/
served with red cabbage with cranberries, bacon dumplings
and fried onions
389 CZK


Dukat buns
with vanilla sauce and fruit (1,3,7)
159 CZK


honey-coloured thirteen with full body,
medium bitterness and strong aroma
0,4l / 60 CZK

Festa di Tonno

Vážení hosté, 
dnes, z důvodu příprav na Festa di Tonno, máme provozní přestávku od 14:30.

Těšit se na Vás budeme opět v 17:00.